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"Highlight of Nepal Highlight Tour"

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Gears for Mera Peak Climbing

Peak Climbers: 7 Must-Have Gears for Mera Peak Climbing Adventure Mera Peak is a peak in the Himalayas that stands at 7,776 meters high. This peak climbing excursion provides climbers with the greatest views of Mt. Everest and many other peaks in Nepal. Mera Peak is a renowned hiking peak in the Nepal Himalayas due to its beautiful scenery, which...

Jungle Safari in Nepal : Bardia and Chitwan National Parks

Choosing Jungle Safari Destination in Nepal Most visitors to Nepal think of Nepal as a trekking destination, home to the high Himalayas. Apart from its classical identity, Nepal has plenty to offer its visitors. The scenery of the southern plain is very different from that of the northern Himalayas. The plains (Terai) have a tropical climate and are covered with...

Mayadevi Temple and Puskarini Pond

Buddha Jayanti

Celebrating the major events of Buddha's life Buddha Jayanti/Buddha Purnima brings Buddhists from all over the globe together to commemorate the three major events in Buddha's life: his birth, enlightenment, and nirvana. It raises awareness of Buddha's teachings in a way that respects all cultures. Every year on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Vaisakha, Buddha Purnima...